Archive for October, 2006

Last weekend of the season

Saturday, October 28th, 2006

Mommy & Daddy said that this is our last weekend out in Fire Island this year. It was really stormy on Saturday, but once the rain stopped, it was beautiful and windy. Mommy took pictures of the beach from the front deck. I was having fun on my play mat, so Mommy also took pictures of me. I sit up very well now, and I’m even starting to crawl!

Even rubber tastes good

Sunday, October 22nd, 2006

The tile floor in the living room is cold, and we are going to change it to wood. But in the meantime, I can wiggle around on the comfy rubber mat that has pop-out pieces. I thought that a yellow piece looked yummy, so I munched on it and made teeth marks. Mommy and Daddy thought it was funny. I always amuse them by crinkling my nose when I get into munching mode.

Heading over to Saltaire

Saturday, October 21st, 2006

We heard that Saltaire was having a Halloween event, so we bundled up and went for a walk. There were lots of kids and teeny-weeny cupcakes. Mommy ate my mini-cupcake because she was hungry all of a sudden. I preferred to watch the other kids. They fascinate me!

Loveseat love

Friday, October 20th, 2006

Daddy likes it when I smile, and it makes him smile, so when we were hanging out in the loveseat, we smiled while Mommy took pictures. Since we are almost at the end of the season, and Mommy wanted to have photos of the beach to look at over the winter, she took pictures from the front deck of our house.

Alphabet mats are soft

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006

This morning, Mommy put me on my alphabet mat while I played the piano. That way, if I accidentally toppled over, I wouldn’t bump my keppy on the wood floor.

Me and my piano

Monday, October 16th, 2006

Tonight, before beddy, I had a big meal, including a whole jar of carrots, and that is why I have orange on my face and bib in these pictures of me playing my piano. I sure do love my carrots!I also started clapping this week, and no one taught me how to do it. When Mommy wanted to see me clap this afternoon, she started clapping, and then I did my clapping. That made her laugh.

After playing the piano for a while, I like to do some push-ups as practice for when I figure out how to crawl.

Looks like August

Saturday, October 7th, 2006

It was such a nice day today, all the Dunewood families went to the beach. It was crowded in front of our house as if it were August.

F.I. houses

Saturday, October 7th, 2006

Mommy and Daddy took me for a walk while they looked for inspiration in case we decide to make changes to our house. Daddy carried me in a sling. When we found an interesting house, like the one on Holly or the one on Keogh, Mommy took pictures. We also saw some deer.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, Marjorie at Daddy’s office gave me a thank you card for all the nice shells I brought back for her.

Yum, rice cereal

Sunday, October 1st, 2006

Daddy fed me rice cereal. I am a neat eater if you give me a napkin.